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Missions and governance

              The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises Regional Economic Agency emerged from the Regional Council’s desire to bring together economic services in the region to support businesses, and particularly industrial and industrial services companies.

              The Regional Economic Agency guides and supports industrial companies and services to industry businesses at all stages of their development: investment, training and employment, innovation, export, access to funding and European projects, etc.

              Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises is also in charge of promoting the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region throughout the world and championing its multiple assets to attract new businesses.  

              Depuis 2017, l’Agence s’est développée autour d’une équipe de 150 professionnels aux savoir-faire reconnus, qui ont accompagné près de    62 700 entreprises. En 2023, plus de 11 000 entreprises de l’industrie et des services à l’industrie ont été accompagnées par l’Agence ; elles ont déclaré plus de 1,9 milliards d’euros d’investissements et ont bénéficié de plus 133 millions € d’aides publiques.

              More about our missions

              Video: Agency Missions Presentation by Franck Colcombet (6:21)


              The Agency governance is composed of the following bodies:

              General Assembly: the body representing all members and players in the economic development of the region. It is split into the 7 following colleges :

              1 - Companies & financial organisations
              2 - Institutions of higher education, research & training
              3 - Consular Chambers and CRESS (Regional chamber for social and solidarity economy)
              4 - Departments
              5 - Metropolises
              6 - EPCI (Public establishments for cooperation between local authorities)
              7 - Competitive Hubs & Clusters

              The Region is an ex-officio member with 20 regional councillors

              1.  Laurent WAUQUIEZ

              2.  Stéphanie PERNOD

              3.  Stéphane SAUTAREL

              4.  Bernard PERRUT

              5.  Jacques BLANCHET

              6.  Yannick NEUDER

              7.  Christophe GEOURJON

              8.  Isabelle MASSEBEUF

              9.  Didier-Claude BLANC

              10.  Frédéric BONNICHON

              11.  Emmanuel FERRAND

              12.  Frédéric AGUILERA

              13.  Bruno FAURE

              14.  Léa DESPRAT

              15.  Ségolène GUICHARD

              16.  Michel LUCAS

              17.  Fabienne GREBERT

              18.  Eric HOURS

              19.  Guillaume LACROIX

              20.  Anna AUBOIS

              Supervisory Board: the strategic body composed of members appointed for 3 years and coming from each of the colleges. It is chaired by Florent Ménégaux, Michelin CEO and by the President of the Region.​

              The Regional Council sits on the Supervisory Board with 11 elected representatives among the 20 ex-officio members sitting on the General Assembly

              1. Laurent WAUQUIEZ
              2. Stéphanie PERNOD
              3. Stéphane SAUTAREL
              4. Bernard PERRUT
              5. Yannick NEUDER
              6. Christophe GEOURJON
              7. Frédéric BONNICHON
              8. Emmanuel FERRAND
              9. Frédéric AGUILERA
              10. Bruno FAURE
              11. Léa DESPRAT

              A Board of Directors: the operational body of the Agency​

              Présidé par un chef d’entreprise, Franck COLCOMBET, dirigeant d’EDM, accompagné par un élu régional, Jacques BLANCHET, Vice-Président à la formation professionnelle et à l'apprentissage, Président du groupe Blanchet et un Directeur Général, Emmanuel Millan.

              2021 GENDER EQUALITY INDEX

              Conformément à l'obligation légale de publication : en 2024, l’'index égalité hommes - femmes de l’Agence Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises est de 93/100 
              (Moyenne nationale 2024 = 88/100)

              Download our activity reports

              2017-2021 Agency Business Update 
              2022 Activity Report